GFT4208, 1:8 Output Digital Splitter
GFT4208, 20 channel Pulse & Delay Generator


  • Eight simutaneous outputs
    • 3 V / 50 Ω amplitude
    • 150 ns width
    • <5 ns rise time
    • <20 ps RMS jitter
    • LEMO connectors
  • Trigger source
    • External
    • Manual from Push button
  • Trigger Output
  • cPCI 6U, 1 slot form factor.
  • Options:
    • Stand alone Rack 19″, 1U
    • LEMO to BNC cables


The GFT4208 digital splitter module provides eight simutaneous output pulses. Channel to channel jitter is less than 20 ps.

LEMO outputs deliver 3 V level, 150 ns width, <5 ns rise time, under 50 Ω

One input or pusch button is used to trigger off all output channels.

One output allows to synchronize several GFT4208 Digital Splitter by daisy chaining several modules.